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Construction - Circulation HEATERS | Flow
Construction and design of a circulation heater
Circulation heaters and electric flow heaters always are tailor-made solutions and designed in close collaboration with the customer.
Circulation heaters consist mainly of an immersion heater or a
flanged immersion heater which is mounted into a pressure vessel and used as the heat source. The flow through the pipework is steered by means of baffles that ensure a cross-flow effect over the hot tube bundle.
The terminal enclosure is located at the front of the circulation heater's flange plate, therefore all operating elements are easy accessible. If a cooling section is required the enclosure can be installed with sufficient distance to the heating zone.
Continuous circulation heaters are ready for connection and separate control cabinets can be supplied.
Circulation heaters are available from 5 kW up to 1000 kW.

Construction and design of a circulation heater
Circulation heaters and electric flow heaters always are tailor-made solutions and designed in close collaboration with the customer.
Circulation heaters consist mainly of an immersion heater or a
flanged immersion heater which is mounted into a pressure vessel and used as the heat source. The flow through the pipework is steered by means of baffles that ensure a cross-flow effect over the hot tube bundle.
The terminal enclosure is located at the front of the circulation heater's flange plate, therefore all operating elements are easy accessible. If a cooling section is required the enclosure can be installed with sufficient distance to the heating zone.
Continuous circulation heaters are ready for connection and separate control cabinets can be supplied.
Circulation heaters are available from 5 kW up to 1000 kW.