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Air and duct heaters | LEH series
Design with finned tubular heaters
In order to obtain optimum heat transfer and heat distribution the tubular heaters can be supplied with finns. The finned heating elements enable higher power outputs in often smaller installation spaces.
Depending on the flow conditions the power consumption of the heating elements can be increased by two or three times. Therefore, the amount and the length of tubular heaters needed for an air heater can be reduced.
Electric air duct heaters
Design with tubular heaters
Air and duct heaters are typically used to heat process gases and air in industrial applications up to a temperature of 800 °C.
Air heaters are designed to obtain optimum heat transfer as well as good heat distribution.
Depending on the particular process parameters the electric air heaters can be designed and built with single or double U-shaped heating elements or in customer-specific shapes.
When dimensioning the air heaters particular attention is paid to select the permissible watt density and the maximum temperature of the tubular heating elements.
While avoiding overheating and subsequent damages the air and duct heaters are permanently and reliable ready for use.
The connection housing can be mounted with a suitable cooling zone and if required with further protection by thermal insulating material.
Herbst Beheizungs-Technik provides their air duct heaters ready to connect and the terminal housing can be supplied with protection class IP54 and IP65.
For further information about electric heating systems and customised air heaters, please do not hesitate to contact us.